I. You shall have no other gods before me, the ruling party, who brought you liberation.

II. You shall not have for yourself political parties.

III. You shall not take the name of martyrs in vain. Lest you blaspheme against martyrs’ legacy–the ruling party.

IV. Remember to celebrate. Three hundred sixty and three days you shall labor without pay, but celebrate and dance during the National holidays. Lack of jubilation is but a protest.

V. Honor your appointed officials, that your days may be peaceful in the land.

VI. You shall not murder. Aim shots below the knee.

VII. You shall not commit adultery. Lest you compete with your colonels and officials.

VIII. You shall not steal. The land and its fruits are consecrated to government.

IX. You shall not bear false witness. Why prolong your torture.

X. You shall not covet freedom and life. These are the seeds to all illegal border crossing